Chart with Water Loss and Costs

The most common reason for suspecting a leak is a loss of water. This loss of water level could be equated to evaporation however if you notice a substantial increase in chemical usage, cracks in the deck, a damp lawn near the surroundings of the pool or are consistently adding water to the pool it is more than likeld> $13.41 $160.91

DIY 24 hour On-and-Off test

Mark the level of the water in your pool in your skimmer with a piece of tape. Run your pool for 24 hours. Measure down from the tape line to the water level at the end of the 24 hour period and record the measurement. Fill the pool back up to the tape line and now leave the pump and filter off for 24 hours. Measure down from the tape line and compare your results.

Same Loss Filter On or Off = Points toward a leak in the pool, less likely to be in pipes

Much Larger Loss with Filter ON = Points toward a leak in the return piping

Larger Loss with the Filter OFF = Points toward a leak in a suction pipe (skimmer or main drain)


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DIY 24 hour
On-and-Off test

Mark the level of the water in your pool in your skimmer with a piece of tape. Run your pool for 24 hours. Measure down from the tape line to the water level at the end of the 24 hour period and record the measurement. Fill the pool back up to the tape line and now leave the pump and filter off for 24 hours. Measure down from the tape line and compare your results



If you notice any of the symptoms from the list above then conducting a Bucket Test can provide further verification that a pool leak is present. The video below will show how to properly execute the Bucket Test. For further information or to request Leak Detection services please call or send us an inquiry online.

Toll Free 1-855-GTA-LEAK